Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Should we wear mask when we are expose to someone with mono?

my bf has mono just diagnosed today..what are the precautions should i take?should i wear mask?Should we wear mask when we are expose to someone with mono?
If he has it you might get it too. Its the 'kissing disease' just to be safe get checked out by a doctor. I dont think you would need to wear a mask, because it can only be constricted through direct contact from salavia

Spread of the virus can be prevented through:

Careful hand washing with soap and running water, especially after sneezing and coughing and before touching other people

Avoiding saliva contact (eg; kissing) with people who are sick with infectious mononucleosis

Thorough cleaning with soap and water of soiled objects, such as toys of sick children.

Don't share drink containers


Infection with EBV usually causes no or few symptoms in young children

Teenagers and adults are more likely to become sick if infected

Symptoms include fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, tiredness, and feeling generally unwell. The doctor may find swelling of the spleen or liver

The illness usually lasts between one week and several weeks. A small proportion of people can be sick for months

Most people make a complete recovery

Once infected, the virus remains in the body for life.Should we wear mask when we are expose to someone with mono?
Just do ont kiss him and share anytyhing tha twas on his lips or anything tha twas in his mouth. also do not hav esex for a while.

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